Thomas is a Huntsville, Alabama-based artist who works with the unique process of stippling or pointillism, and more specifically, the optical mix theory. This process yields a three dimensional look that is both stunningly textured in appearance yet soft and visually pleasing. The images are deeply laden with emotion.
The pointillist technique is not a new painting approach. It gained it long lasting fame during the Impressionistic movement and through the works of Georges Seurat, who's optical mix theory, Thomas has studied intently.
Thomas' process or technique is one in which he is very proud of. His method of applying paint is very basic, yet, he has developed his use of color and imagery into a "timeless wonder." Thomas is able to take a very simple toothbrush, combine dexterity and imagination and produce works the likes of which have not been seen before. Of late, he has begun to paint beyond the single direction, either light to dark or dark to light, which was evident in his earlier works. He is currently working both dark to light and light to dark within the same piece to give even greater depth to his already thought evoking imagery. His subjects have been and will continue to be for some time, the human form. Thomas believes that in expressing an emotion, no other single object can demand so much attention while giving so much to its audience.
While Thomas' name is not widely known in popular circles, he is proud of his accomplishments thus far. He has been fortunate to have been featured in numerous art shows and festivals across the country. His immediate plans are to continue to travel which allows him time to reflect on what he calls "painting successes and failures," and to study both, while at the same time, gain a renewed sense about himself and the world as he sees it.
Thomas Colvin, III is a human being who relates his life and existence to principles that are African in nature. His African American heritage is the source of his works and his inspiration to continue to create when times seem against him.
Thomas is a graduate of Alabama A&M University and holds a BS degree in commercial art with a minor in visual arts.
All inquiries and comments can be forwarded to: TC3 Fine Arts